Sha'ir al-Birwa
By: Nabila Espanioly, Al-Tufula Center, Nazareth
Illustrations by: Abdullah Qawariq
Sha'ir al-Birwa is a children's story book about the famous Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. The book has been selected on the Honour List 2020 of the IBBY International Board on Books for Young People, for its illustrations.
In summary:
"Before the tragedy of 1984, there was a peaceful village named al-Birwa. It was inhabited by families with lots of children who like to play outside, especially during summer holidays. The children would call each other, gather together and run towards the hills to play. Before sunset they would return to their homes tired and hungry. Only one little boy, Mahmoud, did not participate in the games. He preferred to stay home reading and collecting words. When asked to play he would answer: "the words, the words call me". When school re-opened Mahmoud surprised everyone by reciting a poem that he composed. He became the famous Palestinian poet known as Mahmoud Darwish, the poet of al-birwa. The illustrations in Sha'ir al-Birwa are outlined with black ink and coloured using digital techniques."